My business fell apart
My business fell apart in a major way this year.
I lost five years’ worth of work and thousands of dollars when my website was erased.
But things sometimes fall apart. For better things to fall into place.
I was gutted when that happened back in January.
However, I’d been out of alignment with my old business model for some time.
So in hindsight it was probably for the best.
And here's why:
I was playing small.
Not pursuing what I really wanted to do because it felt ‘too big’.
It was daunting in fact.
So I took time out.
Got quiet…
And sat with the discomfort of letting go.
As a result, in the past few months I’ve gained full clarity on my new path:
To help companies increase the visibility of women and diverse talent through personal branding.
Once I made the decision to go for it…
Almost by magic, lots of exciting opportunities began to come my way.
Then, last week, I filmed content for a HUGE global brand partnership deal that will be viewed by millions of people around the world in the new year.
All because I listened to myself.
Sometimes the thing we put off doing, is exactly the thing that will change everything.
I can’t wait to share more with you soon.