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Client Case Study

Advancing Women's Careers at BNP Paribas Through Strategic Personal Branding


BNP Paribas's RISE programme empowers mid-career women to take control of their professional journeys. This year, forty participants enhanced their career progression with tailored personal branding strategies, equipping them to overcome challenges and excel in the competitive world of investment banking.

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Client Case Study

Advancing Women's Careers at BNP Paribas Through Strategic Personal Branding

BNP Paribas's RISE programme empowers mid-career women to take control of their professional journeys. This year, forty participants enhanced their career progression with tailored personal branding strategies, equipping them to overcome challenges and excel in the competitive world of investment banking.


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BNP Paribas’s RISE annual women’s career development programme supports mid-career women strategically managing their careers through a blended learning approach that includes training sessions, group coaching, and mentoring. Women across the investment bank and businesses apply to participate in this transformative programme to advance their careers. This year, forty mid-to-senior-level women were accepted onto the programme. Recognising the critical need to equip women with personal branding skills, I was brought in to address specific challenges.

The pre-session survey identified key areas to develop:

  • 67% did not feel comfortable advocating for themselves.
  • 75% experienced feelings of imposter syndrome in their career.
  • The majority (over 50%) did not have an elevator pitch to use when networking.
  • 81% did not have a networking plan to build relationships.
  • 88% did not have a career visibility plan.


BNP Paribas’s RISE annual women’s career development programme supports mid-career women strategically managing their careers through a blended learning approach that includes training sessions, group coaching, and mentoring. Women across the investment bank and businesses apply to participate in this transformative programme to advance their careers. This year, forty mid-to-senior-level women were accepted onto the programme. Recognising the critical need to equip women with personal branding skills, I was brought in to address specific challenges.  

The pre-session survey identified key areas to develop:

  • 67% did not feel comfortable advocating for themselves.
  • 75% experienced feelings of imposter syndrome in their career.
  • The majority (over 50%) did not have an elevator pitch to use when networking.
  • 81% did not have a networking plan to build relationships.
  • 88% did not have a career visibility plan.


The pre-session survey data indicated a clear need to help the participants overcome limiting beliefs and empower them with practical tools and strategies to advance their careers. Through a combination of mindset reprogramming and storytelling, we facilitated several breakthroughs. The elevator pitch exercise was particularly impactful, with only 10% of attendees having one before the session. In addition to the elevator pitch exercise, each participant received a detailed workbook to complete bite-sized exercises as the content was delivered, ensuring learning retention.

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The pre-session survey data indicated a clear need to help the participants overcome limiting beliefs and empower them with practical tools and strategies to advance their careers. Through a combination of mindset reprogramming and storytelling, we facilitated several breakthroughs. The elevator pitch exercise was particularly impactful, with only 10% of attendees having one before the session. In addition to the elevator pitch exercise, each participant received a detailed workbook to complete bite-sized exercises as the content was delivered, ensuring learning retention.

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Workshop Results

Of participants found the
session valuable

Every participant felt it provided essential and beneficial content they could immediately apply to their careers.

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Most attendees were actively involved, indicating that the content and delivery methods kept their interest and participation levels high.

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Citing her impactful delivery and insightful content as key reasons for their enthusiasm.

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 The interactive elements, such as discussions, elevator pitch exercise, and real-time feedback, were highly appreciated, making the learning experience more effective and enjoyable.

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Almost all participants left the session feeling motivated and empowered, with new insights and a positive outlook on their career potential.

Found the session

The dynamic nature, characterised by varied activities and energetic delivery, resonated well with the participants, keeping momentum and engagement throughout.

Workshop Feedback

Marielle facilitated an impactful and informative workshop that received excellent feedback from our cohort of professional women. Her expertise and knowledge are invaluable, and she consistently presents information in a clear and engaging manner. Having worked with Marielle for several years, I am continually impressed by her ability to teach new concepts and provide relevant support, making her workshop a highlight each year.


Ama Ocansey
UK Head of Diversity and Inclusion at BNP Paribas

Workshop Feedback

Marielle facilitated an impactful and informative workshop that received excellent feedback from our cohort of professional women. Her expertise and knowledge are invaluable, and she consistently presents information in a clear and engaging manner. Having worked with Marielle for several years, I am continually impressed by her ability to teach new concepts and provide relevant support, making her workshop a highlight each year.

Ama Ocansey
UK Head of Diversity and Inclusion at BNP Paribas

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